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Humane Society Calendar



The elements and design principles used to illustrate this graphic design included the repetition of object position such as the focus picture, fun fact, and coupons, as well as their size; the alignment was based on the use of 6-column guides and used to align mainly the focus picture and fun fact. Overall the calendar is extremely readable and appealing, in my designer opinion. The words on the calendar are of an appropriate size, as well as that of the fun fact, coupons, and main heading for the month, making the calendar readable. Overall this design appeals to the intended audience because the focus pictures draw their attention to some adorable creatures, while the fun fact about said creatures intrigues them further. Mainly, however, it’s the picture that makes the calendar most appealing to the reader and achieving the main goal of making them want to get an animal of their own.


Design elements like the outer glow on the fun fact’s oval and the repeating colors (not seen in printed document) for each month were specific design elements that I chose to use. The outer glow on the oval allowed for it to be somewhat layered over the focus image and give it a very virtuous look. The colors were used specifically to represent every month and their general theme. This included a light blue for January (which also matched with the image, giving it a cohesive look), pink for February, and green for March (also matching with the image and creating an even more cohesive look). Overall, the elements I incorporated were used to make the calendar visually appealing as well as satisfy both client and art director specifications, and I believe these needs and specifications were met.

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